Personal customer service and a consistent customer experience are key competitive advantages in the insurance industry.
Increased transparency through comparison sites and heightened price sensitivity of private and business customers increase the competitive pressure in continuous existence. The increasing communication between insurance providers and customers, as well as external parties, is creating new digital ecosystems with new products and services. There are new markets opening up for insurance providers, holding a lot of potential.
At the same time, they already have a huge volume of data at their disposal, which must be brought together and used in order to keep pace with digital competition. Reorganising system landscapes which are often old and cumbersome puts the focus on central digitalisation platforms.
Nowadays, it’s too often the case that customers only get in touch with the service centre when they are dissatisfied. Individual customer service and a consistent customer experience are increasingly becoming key competitive advantages in the insurance industry.
These customer relations must go smoothly throughout the entire customer journey – with proactive action from the first consultation to personalised interaction in the event of an insurance claim.
In order to attract new customers and retain existing ones, insurance providers need to improve their customer service so as to address customers’ needs more specifically and foster a positive customer experience along the different touchpoints of the customer journey.
To this end, it is crucial for personal points of contacts and all digital channels to work in synergy, thus improving support and claims services.
Smart Insurance: Automated Case Management with AI
With attractive health apps and platforms from novomind, insurance companies can become health managers for their policyholders. These give a complete digital view of medical data and offer the opportunity to link specific additional services based on individual requirements. We also offer appropriate app support with novomind iAGENT.
novomind iAGENT
With us, all communication comes from a single source: novomind iAGENT maps the entire customer journey with a uniform, fully comprehensive history of contact. Whether before a contract is signed, whilst it’s in force or in the event of a claim: novomind iAGENT collects all available information from all touchpoints – chatbots for specific products, WhatsApp for general enquiries or support enquiries via chat or social media.
No more expensive stand-alone solutions for correspondence and telephone communication, but a uniform communication platform with tracking for the entire customer journey.
Enables, for example, email enquiries to the various risk bearers to be processed completely separately from each other via one system.
novomind Cloud in Germany or on-premises operation at the customer’s premises.
Both for SaaS from the novomind Cloud and for on-premises operation at the customer's premises.
An API-based ecosystem - easy connection for all relevant in-house systems in existence.
Even over 200,000 tickets per day are no problem for novomind iAGENT.
Seamless switching across all channels of communication.
A high degree of automation when it comes to classification and intent recognition.
Encrypted channels for chat and messenger communication.
What do our customers say?
Ahmad Idris
Available 24/7, 365 days a year
Omnichannel contact center software that wows both agents and customers.
Reaching customers where they like to be
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