Better, faster, more! Nowadays, (online) retailers have to satisfy the immense demands of customer experience, services and touchpoints. Composable commerce will be the future method of choice. But can the approach really deliver on its promises? A critical assessment.
What is Composable Commerce?
Which is it? Headless commerce, modular commerce, composable commerce – is your head already spinning from all these e-commerce buzzwords? Don’t worry! Let’s unravel this jungle of terms together.
The topic of Headless Commerce is one that is relatively simple to explain: Here, the front and back ends of an e-commerce system are decoupled to create first-class customer experiences across all touchpoints. Drawing the distinction between modular commerce and composable commerce, on the other hand, is slightly more complicated. How do the two approaches differ? What are their advantages? And where do they meet their limits?
Modular Commerce and Composable Commerce both have one thing in common: They are both based on a modular architecture in which not only the front and back ends are decoupled, but rather the entire technology stack is composed of independent solutions. True to the saying “It’s better to have a made-to-measure suit than a ready-made one”. The different components can be put together like in a Lego set to create a best-of-breed solution.
A modular system for a customised e-commerce solution

What distinguishes Modular from Composable Commerce, however, is the level of granularity of the individual components. Modular Commerce bundles appropriate functions thematically in modules (hence the name). In a Lego set, this would correspond to the bricks with six, eight or twelve holes.
Composable Commerce, on the other hand, is based on a multitude of individual microservices, figuratively speaking, the bricks in Lego sets with two holes. The specific functions of these so-called composable map such as product data management, order processing, payment processing or shipping management individually and can be combined as needed to create a highly personalised e-commerce system.
Only the best: Advantages of Composable Commerce
The advantages are clear: on the one hand, Composable Commerce enables merchants to adapt their technology stack flexibly, precisely and, above all, promptly to new requirements. This is because new composables can be integrated into the system environment as required. Instead of having to wait a long time for the responsible software provider to implement the necessary changes on its platform, Composable Commerce enables retailers to get straight down to business themselves – and as a result gain significantly in agility.
New trends such as sustainability services, additional filter functions or new payment functions can be mapped in no time at all with Composable Commerce. This does not only contribute to a first-class customer and product experience, but also strengthens the retailer’s market position. Because the more agile a retailer is in reacting to new requirements, the better it can hold its own against the competition.
Complex and expensive: Disadvantages of Composable Commerce
It doesn’t get any better than this! That’s what you’d think. However, unfortunately, Composable Commerce also has its downsides. These include, among others:
- High complexity
The more heterogeneous the system environment, the more technological competence and experience is needed to operate it. Only when all composables are seamlessly integrated and interacting flawlessly with each other can Composable Commerce demonstrate its best-of-breed potential. In addition, retailers need to continuously adapt the technology stack to changing market requirements. This requires utmost attention. - Potential integration problems
Composable Commerce is based on the seamless integration of a wide variety of microservices. This makes the shop system more flexible, but also more error-prone: if a composable is exchanged or extended, this may affect other parts of the system, lead to integration problems and, in the worst case, abruptly slow down the smooth flow of information.
- Multiple security risks
Composable Commerce is based on a variety of microservices – and therefore naturally bears higher security risks than conventional shop systems. This is because, in order to reliably protect their own products from cyberspace threats, retailers must ensure that all components used remain secure and reliable at all times. Keeping an eye on potential security breaches in all composables is anything but easy for IT managers. - Increased time and costs
Implementing and operating a Composable Commerce system is time-consuming and costly. After all, every single component must be individually selected, integrated and maintained. In addition, the use of many third-party components increases the overall costs of the Composable Commerce system – especially when it comes to updating or replacing components.
Composable Commerce: Key to success or excessive demand?
- So, it’s not quite that simple with Composable Commerce. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that modular commerce architecture is the future, since in an increasingly volatile world, rigid, monolithic online shops have little chance of surviving in the long run. However, whether a retailer should make their shop composable or modular in the future depends on many factors. Not every retailer has the experience and resources needed to set up and operate a Composable Commerce architecture. Therefore, many small and medium-sized enterprises would probably benefit from a modular shop.
To use the Lego comparison once again: You can build your house out of bricks with two holes, you can perfectly reproduce all the desired flourishes and subtleties, but you also have to allow enough time and display a lot of tact and sensitivity. On the other hand, if you also use larger bricks, you will reach your goal much faster, without getting too bogged down in the process.
Would you like to know if Composable Commerce is worthwhile for you or whether you would be better off with a Modular Commerce approach? We will gladly advise you. As digital commerce experts, we have extensive experience in both segments. With our novomind iProducts, we also provide the optimal foundation for a best-of-breed approach that can be easily integrated with third-party solutions. Sound interesting?